05 July, 2023

MITRE ATLAS: A Comprehensive Resource for Adversarial Machine Learning


Machine learning (ML) is becoming increasingly prevalent in our society. It is used in a wide variety of applications, from fraud detection to healthcare to self-driving cars. However, as ML systems become more widespread, so too do the threats to their security.

Adversarial machine learning (AML) is a rapidly growing field that studies how adversaries can exploit ML systems to their advantage. AML attacks can be used to steal data, disrupt operations, or even cause physical harm.


MITRE ATLAS is a knowledge base of adversary tactics, techniques, and case studies for ML systems. It is modeled after the MITRE ATT&CK® framework and its tactics and techniques are complementary to those in ATT&CK.

ATLAS is designed to help researchers, security professionals, and data scientists understand the adversarial threat landscape for ML systems. It provides a common language for discussing these threats and a framework for organizing and sharing information about them.

The ATLAS Matrix is a key component of the knowledge base. It shows the progression of tactics used in attacks as columns from left to right, with ML techniques belonging to each tactic below. The matrix is organized into four main phases of an attack:

  • Preparation: This phase involves gathering information about the target and the ML system.
  • Exploitation: This phase involves compromising the ML system or its data.
  • Impact: This phase involves disrupting or gaining control of the ML system.
  • Defense Evasion: This phase involves preventing the defender from detecting or responding to the attack.

The ATLAS Matrix also includes a number of case studies that illustrate how the different tactics and techniques can be used in real-world attacks. These case studies provide valuable insights into the adversarial threat landscape and can help security professionals to develop effective defenses.


MITRE ATLAS can be used in a number of ways. Here are some specific ways that MITRE ATLAS can help you to protect your organization:

  • Understand the adversarial threat landscape: ATLAS provides a comprehensive overview of the different tactics and techniques that can be used to attack ML systems. This knowledge can help you to identify and prioritize the security risks that your organization faces.
  • Develop and implement security controls: ATLAS provides guidance on how to develop and implement security controls that can protect your ML systems from attack. This guidance can help you to choose the right security controls for your specific needs.
  • Train and educate security personnel: ATLAS provides training resources that can help you to train your security personnel on the adversarial threat landscape and how to protect against it. This training can help your personnel to identify and respond to AML attacks more effectively.
  • Share information about threats and defenses: ATLAS provides a platform for sharing information about threats and defenses with other organizations. This can help you to learn from the experiences of other organizations and to stay up-to-date on the latest threats.

To use MITRE ATLAS, you can visit the ATLAS website. The website provides access to the ATLAS Matrix, case studies, and other resources. You can also subscribe to the ATLAS newsletter to receive regular updates about the project.

Adversarial Machine Learning Tactics and Techniques

The ATLAS Matrix includes a wide range of adversary tactics and techniques that can be used to attack ML systems. Some of the most common tactics include:

Data poisoning: This involves injecting malicious data into the training dataset of an ML system. This can cause the system to learn incorrect patterns and make incorrect predictions.

  • Model inversion: This involves reverse-engineering an ML model to obtain the underlying data that was used to train it. This can be used to steal sensitive data or to gain insights into the target's operations.
  • Model evasion: This involves developing adversarial examples that can fool an ML model into making incorrect predictions. Adversarial examples are carefully crafted inputs that exploit the vulnerabilities of an ML model.
  • Defense evasion: This involves developing techniques to prevent defenders from detecting or responding to AML attacks. This can involve using stealth techniques to hide the attack or using obfuscation techniques to make the attack difficult to understand.

Case Studies

The ATLAS Matrix includes a number of case studies that illustrate how the different tactics and techniques can be used in real-world attacks. Some of the most interesting case studies include:

The Cleverbot Attack: This attack involved injecting malicious data into the training dataset of the Cleverbot chatbot. This caused the chatbot to learn to generate responses that were offensive and discriminatory.

The Amazon Rekognition Attack: This attack involved using adversarial examples to fool Amazon Rekognition, a facial recognition service, into misidentifying people. This could be used to commit identity theft or to frame someone for a crime.

The Tesla Autopilot Attack: This attack involved using adversarial examples to fool Tesla Autopilot, a self-driving car system, into crashing. This could be used to cause serious injury or death.


MITRE ATLAS is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in the security of ML systems. It provides a comprehensive overview of the adversarial threat landscape and a framework for organizing and sharing information about these threats. If you are responsible for the security of ML systems, I encourage you to learn more about MITRE ATLAS and how it can help you to protect your organization.

I hope this blog post has given you a better understanding of MITRE ATLAS and how it can help you to protect your organization from adversarial machine learning attacks. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Thank you for reading!

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